Google AdSense is Still Popular
Although almost all the top bloggers and marketers stopped using AdSense ads on their blogs (including Darren Rowse of, Zac Johnson, Daniel Scocco etc.) but still making money from AdSense is the biggest dream for the majority of the bloggers.Especially the new bloggers start their blogs by hoping to make more from AdSense. If done right, within less time, AdSense can give you recurring income every single month. And Google always pays to their publishers no matter what. These are the primary reasons for the survival of AdSense.
Let’s also discuss what topics they cover on their blog, the money they make from AdSense (approximate estimation) and about the blog owners who run the blog. Are you interested in knowing more?
Important Note: Some of the bloggers featured on this list are just estimates. Most of the bloggers usually don’t reveal their AdSense income reports to the public, so I’ve put my best efforts in determining the AdSense earnings of each blogger mentioned in this list. All of them are actively using AdSense and making huge revenue every single month!
Without much ado, here’s the list of all the top bloggers with maximum Google AdSense earnings in India.